do you accept the blame?



Digital Art


Do you accept the blame?

In my drawing I see a polar bear (an endangered species) and an earwig hummingbird (an extinct species), two creatures of nature that should be living in harmony in their natural habitats. Instead, however, I see them surrounded by signs of man's destructive footprint. There are felled trees, melting glaciers and a murky air permeating the scene.

It saddens me to see how we have often ignored the importance of preserving the environment and how our actions have led to the degradation of our natural home. Nature is one of the greatest treasures we have as a species, but unfortunately, we often fail to give it the value it deserves.

I hope my drawing can make us reflect and remind us that we must care for and respect our planet. We must take action to restore and protect biodiversity and create a more sustainable world, not only for us but also for all other life forms that inhabit it.

So, you accept the blame, but most of all the responsibility to restore our home?

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La Chorrera


Diría que (Posted 2023-06-26 10:49:04)

Si conlleva esfuerzo, concentración , e conocimiento no es fácil , y si se pudo es digno de apoyar!!!

By: Issac Sánchez

¡SI ACEPTO! (Posted 2023-06-23 19:36:10)

Acepto la responsabilidad y comparto su opinión. El planeta tierra es nuestro hogar, pero no es solamente de nosotros, debemos cuidarlo y respetarlo tanto como a todas las otras especies que lo habitan. Si queremos conservar nuestra estancia en este increíble mundo, es hora de hacer un cambio radical y poner de nuestra parte, no solo atravez de un post o comentario. ¡ Es hora de actuar!

By: Frank Candelario

Acepto el Reto (Posted 2023-06-15 10:29:49)

Yo si acepto el reto!

By: Rosy Robles
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